What is IDEATE?
IDEATE is an opportunity for IMII’s minerals company, post-secondary and research institutions members to engage together to learn about and discuss problem areas identified by the minerals industry which they believe are amenable to applied research with the potential to lead to the development of innovative solutions.
The name IDEATE comes from the ideation stage/phase/mode of project development. While there may be several different definitions of the stage (e.g., “the process of generating a broad set of ideas on a given topic, with no attempt to judge or evaluate them”), it is important that all participants question the obvious, challenge the norm, and come up with new ideas. The ideation phase is meant to be a place to come up with novel, perhaps unconventional, ideas. It doesn’t matter if these ideas turn out to be plausible or not; participants are to focus on idea generation.
IDEATE Focus Areas
IDEATE is series of industry sessions and workshops laid out to identify challenges observed across a series of mining related topics which are:
- Health & Safety
- Processing Technology
- Technologies to Decrease Water Usage in Potash
- Mineral Systems and Advanced Geoscience Capabilities
- Mining Technology
- Data Processing / Analytics
- Complex Extraction Systems
- Energy Utilization