AES Innovation Challenge
Growing Greener Innovations, a Canadian energy technology company focused on engineering and manufacturing batteries, battery management systems, and battery energy storage solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial customers, is the winner of IMII’s Alternative Energy System Innovation Challenge. Growing Greener’s winning innovative technology is a battery energy storage solution (GRENGINE™ – The technology behind our portable electric generators) with the potential to minimize operational downtime and diesel-fired electricity generation when backup power is required at a mining operation.
The AES Innovation Challenge sought innovative solutions to provide Saskatchewan’s minerals industry with new technologies that could be piloted at a mine site to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Mining has large energy consumption requirements and Saskatchewan’s world class operations provide a perfect opportunity for advanced energy solutions to be showcased in a global industry. Two finalists – Growing Greener and Anax Power (Anax Power – Clean energy from natural gas, without combustion) shared $500,000 in prize money to complete front-end engineering design studies and advance their business case with an IMII minerals member company.
About the Challenge
The International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII), with support from their members and the Challenge Dialogue System Network, is putting forth the Alternate Energy Systems Challenge. This Innovation Challenge sought innovative solutions to provide Saskatchewan’s minerals industry with new technologies that could be piloted at a mine site to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Mining has large energy consumption requirements and Saskatchewan’s world class operations provide a perfect opportunity for advanced energy solutions to be showcased in a global industry.
The IMII Alternative Energy Systems Challenge Prize is a new initiative of the IMII and presents innovators with a unique opportunity to advance their technology solution for the minerals sector by working with Saskatchewan’s leading minerals companies. Now that the Challenge has concluded, the Challenge Dialogue System Network will help promote both Growing Greener Innovations and Anax Power to the clean/green technology venture capital network.